
Cocoa Quality Control
For Lutheran World Relief, Agrodite has assessed the capacity of a cocoa cooperative in Bali in quality control. There was a need from the cooperative to improve their capacity in controlling the quality at village/UPH level. In addition to that, we have supported them in developing process/procedures in giving feedback to village level processing unit on their quality and post-harvesting process. The feedback is used as reference to identify the price for the cocoa bean based on the quality.
After the assessment, Agrodite has supported the cooperative in developing clear SOPs in the cooperative on quality control mechanism. As we also detected problems in the cooperative in the purchasing process, we have also modernized the purchase, billing and reporting system.

In 2018, Agrodite supported GIZ and Nestlé in the development of the modules for the Agripreneurship Development Programme. The overall objective of the programme was to improve the economic viability of the smallholder coffee farming system in Tanggamus, Lampung.
A selection of 30 coffee farmers were invited to the ToT. They had to master the modules on for instance: good business strategy; income diversification; financial reporting; and becoming an entrepreneur.
After the given training, Agrodite followed up in coaching the new trainers to continuously support them in their work to train the other farmers in the area. The modules and the training were a success, as all participants of the training mastered the content.

Top Dressing Project
In this project, we focus on rice and coffee farmers in 10 sub-districts around Jember, East Java. In our assessment, most farmers still have a problem with over-using chemical pesticide and fertilizer. We work with farmers that are becoming aware that their way of producing rice and coffee is not healthy for themselves, the consumers, the soil and the total environment. These farmers seek alternative methods to farm while maintaining and even increasing their yield.
With this project, Agrodite introduces a sustainable farming system by avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This system avoids water contamination and keeps balance of ecosystems and natural resources. We also introduce and support the farmers in using apps that provides them with direct access to consumers in order to get a better price.

Women Entrepreneur Project
Women make significant and important contributions to the agricultural and rural economics. Their activities typically include taking care of the livestock, processing and preparing food, working for wages in agricultural or other rural enterprises, engaging in trade and marketing, caring for family members and maintaining their homes.
Findings from several studies show that that the representation of women as entrepreneurs in Indonesia is still relatively low. Especially in rural areas most women encounter several different obstacles in setting up their own company or social enterprise. Although there are many factors why the representation is low, within this project we would like to concentrate on two factors, namely: 1) lack of training opportunities and 2) lack of access to banks or other financial institutions for financing their business activities. From our experience working in Indonesia, it are these two factors that are particularly visible in rural and remote areas.

App Support Project
In 2020, more farmers will own a smart phone. At the same, better rural electrification and internet access, is making it possible for farmers to connect with traders, supplier, consumers, middlemen, the local government and other farmers in a different way.
In this project, we support app providers and farmers, by training the farmers how to work with a smart phone. The basics need to be right first, before an app provider can think about introducing their apps. An introduction on the app is given and pilots are done to get the feedback from the farmers. Continuous support is given by Agrodite to smoothen the process